I was never in Bethel. My beliefs now are semi-complicated, so I will tell you in summary. Generally, I go along with the JW teachings on morals and values. No quarrels there. I dont know when the end will come (and neither does anyone else, per Jesus) and therefore dont really care when it comes. I just dont want to talk about it all the time, or act in fear because of it. I believe that preaching is a requirement of any christian (yes this means you too Catholics/Protestants), and that God is justified in expecting that of a professed believer. Preaching means directing people to God and Jesus as the Savior. I think that gathering together periodically to worship is good and a required activity. Periodically means what it does to you. I dont believe that any worship or associated activity should be forced or overly controlled. I am not sure that the CA, SAD, or the DC are necessary or people should feel compelled to attend. I Think that it is clear that the "Elder Arrangement" hasnt yielded the expected results, and that in practice it has more negative impact than positive. This needs to be changed. I think that people get too tweeked over the GB and the Branch-DO-CO stuff. That has to be expected when running an organization, and has little daily impact on the rank and file. I dont spend any mental energy on those things. I think that the Memorial is a requirement. I think that FS time and placements should not have to be reported monthly, but who really cares? It takes 5 minutes a month to report. I think the demonization of higher education is way off base. I think the weekly emphasis on Pioneering is too much and needs to be toned down. I think that the blood issue should be converted to a personal decision matter in the advent of medical technology advances. Thats about it for a summary.